Some interesting ideas, but I do not see Independents being able to win elections without some major electoral reforms coming first. I think state-level initiatives are the most effective means to do so:



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This is too vague.

Here’s mine:

1. Constitutional amendment that the military may not leave American territory or drop bombs, or make cyber attacks, or take any aggressive action outside of official American territory. The military can only act to protect the rights of American citizens within its territory.

2. Decriminalize all non-violent crime. (Yes theft is a violent crime) including not paying taxes.

3. In order to be a citizen an adult must sign the contract detailing all rights and responsibilities. Anyone can renounce their citizenship at any time for any reason without fees or waiting periods without having to leave the country.

4. Non-citizens do not have to follow regulations, they are only subject to laws protecting the rights of citizens. Non-citizens can live in the country without any of the entitlements of citizens, are not entitled to any welfare, government goods or services, including protection against discrimination.

5. All people in the country have the right to contract with organizations to protect them, or fulfill any of the roles that the government performs. The government may not enforce any monopoly on the country.

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You are indeed specific! I’m focused on structural change and supporting objectives. There is room for open debate on each of your points. You create an interesting distinction between citizens and inhabitants.

How did you arrive at your list?

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I thought about it a lot. It solves the immigration issue. And the corruption issue. If the government becomes corrupt people will just renounce their citizenship and stop paying taxes and then then the corrupt politicians won’t have as much money to play with. The problem is that we’re forced to pay then whether we like it or not.

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Interesting take. Thanks for sharing.

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However there are many issues one could think of that arise under your hypothetical scenario such as access to the court system to resolve disputes without resort to violence, use of public infrastructure and transportation, regulations which afford protection against bad actors and externalities such as pollution and toxic assaults etc etc. Would you, for example, establish a territory called "anarchy" where you're free to do whatever and pay no taxes and have no services provided through collective governance? I think it's not practically viable nor necessarily desirable.

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