As we approach a potential eco-social catastrophic collapse, we know the power elite are making these horrific decisions based on very selfish metrics. Their power to do this stems from the accumulation of money and they have also monopolized the power to create it for the last 400 years. They create all the money as debt through the banking system which enslaves the many, as even the Bible notes. On the other hand, publicly issued money, the Green Dollar, is a permanently circulating asset empowering the many.

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This piece illustrates the difficulty in running a republic, and how easy it is to slide into imperialism. Rome is the example. Governing is arduous. Running a republic is arduous and requires a great deal of effort to maintain and to make work bc it requires group effort, give and take, compromise. It’s easier to have an authoritarian government, an emperor/dictator/czar. It doesn’t require any work bc there’s no compromises needed, simply obedience and getting with the “program”. What has happened in America illustrates this. We have been making the presidency imperialist out of convenience. Back in Rome it was taken over by ambitious people who wanted individual glory. In America it’s have been laziness. It’ll be truly tragic, even more than it already is.

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Many thanks for your comment and perspective.

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